A few weeks ago, I asked in a review if it’s okay to say one is a ‘fan’ of someone’s work. Because it was a new album by Christian Renou, a.k.a. Brume, and well … I am a fan. And I don’t care what all of you think, but as always, I will write my reviews with a bit of distance towards my own opinion. Because that’s what a reviewer i.m.h.o. is supposed to do.

The Taalem label, which we all know from the 3″ CDRs they’ve released for years and years, has stopped doing them, and after a year of silence, they’re now releasing full-length CDs in a minimal brown cardboard sleeve with a little imagery. Excellent and minimal as it was and still is. But instead of the approximately 20 minutes of the 3″ you get ‘full releases’ on CD or even 2CD. The same goes for the side label Kokeshidisk, by the way. Brown sleeve, minimal artwork. And with Desaccord Majeur, Murmer and Brume Taalem set the level high for all future releases. Taalem knows what he’s doing and mark my words: This label will have a catalogue of beauty if they keep building it like this. A paradise for drone heads like us.

In my opinion, “L’ombilic Des Rêves” is a complex album. The reason is it’s very strongly themed on the theme of nightmares. But just as nightmares can (will?) be different each time you have them, the music on this album varies a lot. From chaotic ambience with horns to rhythmically driven short interludes, this album is a journey through the insides of your head. This album perfectly exemplifies Renou’s dynamics as an artist and sound designer. Sounds straight out of synths, manipulated field recordings, found footage / spoken word and the before mentioned horns or wind instruments on one hand, and the other side compositions with a lot of erratic changes, ambient approaches, long compositions (11 and 14 minutes) as well as shorter ones – 2 minutes and even one just over 1 minute – harmonics and dissonance … This album is lovely in its variation on so many levels. Personal favourites are “Hot Concrete / Turning To Nightmare” and ” Dreams Are Not Free”, but my oh my … Mr Renou did it again. And Taalem. Both. Chapeau.
