Fail is the brainchild of the man behind the Inner Demons label, Dan Fox. He is active under a few names, and Fail is his noise outlet. Not that the other monikers aren’t noisy, but this is the most in your face direct play, record, master and release one. In the beginning, each release had titles concerning the date the track was created, but slowly – surely after the multiple additions he gave to the annual Zaftig Research Christmas samplers – his tracks also got titles and a message or concept. At least, I think so.
‘Unfortunate Things’ is a 3″ with two tracks. The 15-minute ‘Tallypractice’ and a 5-minute ‘short one’ entitled ‘Inadequacy’. “Tallypractice” starts with a few samples of words in combination with short erratic sounds. After two minutes, noise gets added to the composition. It’s like he is indeed seeing what happens if sounds are added. And added. And added. It’s not an HNW, as in the exact meaning of the word, because Dan starts filtering the original sounds and makes them part of the end result. This is one beautiful buildup in which Dan shows he knows what he’s doing. The second track, ‘Unadequacy’ And don’t let your autocorrect fail / fool you, it IS a word, has a bit of the same buildup with erratic sounds and a massive tail (a bit like a picture of a really angry kitten I might add) of noise with a very minimal rhythmic structure. Not danceable at all, but enough to scare the Trump voters away. I like!
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