So how is your Greek these days? Bad? Gone? Never existed? Inner Demons gives you a reason to freshen it up again! At least, it did for me. I only had two years of Greek in high school but that was so long ago that the language is now really dead to me. That little I remembered was enough to decipher the letters and make something of the track titles. Twelve tracks are named after the 12 first letters of the Greek alphabet. Each plays in between 3 and 7 minutes; notmore information is needed to get behind the concept of this one. For that I need the help of Google and some additional info.
The project/title translates as ‘Maschalismos’, which is the act of rendering a corpse unable to return to life. For example, drive a wooden stake through the heart of a vampire before it’s buried, or leave a silver bullet in a werewolf’s corpse so it remains dead for eternity. You can find more information on the webz if you’re curious about it, but it guides me a little towards what to expect on this release.
First, as with other experimental music, it’s not a happy release. Imagine Taylor Swift or Billie Eilish writing a song about the subject. Not gonna say anything and definitely not telling you to use Udio to see what would come of it … But Maschalismos does a good job here in creating a ritualistic feel without using -sec- rhythmic layers. Tracks are gritty in structure, loopy in nature and weird in composition. I can relate to the act of ‘preparing a body’ and the used sounds, the directness, the atmosphere, and maybe even the smell. And no, it’s not something I do or did. But being an avid fan of horror movies parts of this album could well be projected onto films covering the subject.
So a lovely album, a fun concept and a perfect release to play while you’re doing chores. Like the preparation of bodies, that’s also the sort of work you do without thinking what you’re doing, right?
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