CDr, https://www.attenuationcircuit.de/

Sascha Stadlmeier is behind the project Emerge and the Attenuation Circuit label, and “Maze” is a re-release from a 2018 cassette on the now defunct Required Rate of Return label. The release has two tracks from around 18 minutes with the title “Maze”, and even with over 200 releases and contributions, this is the very first full release I have heard from Emerge, except for a few tracks on samplers. There, I’ve said it. I hope I’m forgiven because the experimental scene is just too much to keep track of everything.

Sascha started recording his experiments around Y2K under Dependenz, after which he switched to his Emerge moniker. How he does things and how he works is unknown to me. And that’s part puzzling but also the fun thing at the same time. Take this release. As it says on the cover: Maze 1, Contributions by: elektrojudas, Niku Senpuki, Danijel Zambo, Prinzip Nemesis and Maze 2, contributions by: Deep, Prinzip Nemesis, Niku Senpuki. Sascha was given source material by the other artists to work from, and he created the Maze with these sounds. More artists are working this way, for example, +DOG+, who is always mentioning several artists, even though it’s a one-person project basically.

So where does “Maze” stand musically? It’s a minimal-noise drone with a maximum impact. It’s definitely very dark and ‘unheimlich’ like in the true meaning of that beautiful German word. It’s too massive to be used as the soundtrack for a Horror Movie, but – especially the first half of part 2 – would fit as a layer under a 30’s or 40’s disaster clip found footage from archive.org. Even though there are a lot of contributors of sounds, Sasha manages to make a proper coherent story of everything, making the walk through the Maze not impossible but instead a well spend time of reflection and a bit of soul-searching. Because of the dynamics and open atmosphere, the first part is my favorite, but the second part emphasizes the Maze theme.
