I couldn’t find anything about this project other than it was from Southend On Sea, UK. If that’s true at all because well, how much cynicism can one show if your project is called Eternal Cynic? So I can’t tell you anything other than two earlier releases on Inner Demons, of which one split with the equally eloquent but alliterating Belligerent Bastard (more on this one in a later Vital). So, regarding reviews, I’ll have to focus on the content.
“Eat, Drink And Be Merry For Tomorrow We Snuff It” is a double 3″ with four tracks around the 10/11 minute mark. There are a couple of recurrent methods on the different tracks, but I must say that the general consensus is that the tracks are an amalgamation of brutal ambient drone noise with a tendency to ‘wall’. There is loads of static noise, but still enough variation to make it interesting. The promo text (check Bandcamp for this) tells a lot about the thoughts and concepts behind the tracks.
“Ephemeral” is a combination of a digital/orchestral background drone with heavy static in the front, slowly becoming more saturated. “Perchance to Dream” has the same kind of static in the front, but in the back, another sort of static drone is treated with loads of reverb with an analogue-sounding pulse drone filling up possible gaps. “Memento Mori” is also built from that static sound in the front, but a lot happens in the back with voices. It’s like complete conversations that can’t be followed because of the mixing. The atmosphere is very lovely here even when you might have thought at the beginning, ‘What, more static noise?’
The closing track, “Totentanz”, might well be my favourite on this one. A very lovely build-up, vocals you don’t know and you can’t follow, that backing drone from the ‘dream’-track in a completely different perspective, and some less static and more pronounced (I’m afraid to call them melodic – let’s stick to ‘recognizable) sounds in an extra layer. Let tomorrow come !!!
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