Just a few weeks ago, I reviewed a Stormhat release on Inner Demons, and now it’s another one on Love Earth Music. As written in Vital 1454, Stormhat is Peter Bach Nicolaisen, who has been releasing music since the turn of the century. The ‘dark New Age music’ mentioned in the previous promo is further clarified in the text on the CD. ‘Stormhat enjoys the clash of incompatible words’. It indeed explains the combination of Dark and New Age. But it also explains a bit of how he makes music. Field recordings, in combination with simple synths, explore the balance between organic and synthesized territories. And that is the point where the title kicks in. We all (ok, all of us older ones) know the stories of the brown acid that hit Woodstock and caused terrible trips. The title “Brown Acid” of this album may not cause a bad trip, but it’s probably more meant to explore what you hear with an open mind.
‘Brown Acid’ has 11 tracks and a total of 50 minutes of sounds. It is between two and seven minutes, and I think this album is quite in sync with the Inner Demons one. There are a lot of experiments happening. A lot of microbiotopes, a.k.a. self-contained tracks. It’s not a larger story or concept covering the whole album, but looking at moments and seeing what the experiment brings—exploratorive sounds to see if you can get your brain activity on a different level. My favourite track on this one is ‘Gear Generator’.
So yeah, it’s fun to hear different releases by the same artist and try to get into his mind or conceptual approach. And honestly, I think I kinda see where Peter comes from and what he’s trying to do with his art. And I like it. Not for everyday use, but as with mind-altering substances, all in reasonable doses. It would be fun to see his work be dedicated a BIT more towards a conceptual approach of a whole album, though. Visiting the carnival on X, walking through medieval cellars, talking to ghosts, or something like that. I’d be curious how that would develop.
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