CDR compilation

It was the 18th of May of the year of our Lord 2024. Vasectomy Party and FAIL were on tour in the Southeast of the U.S. They visited the Fork and Spoon to have fun with other artists. The four sets of that evening were recorded and released simultaneously by Inner Demons Records, Fork and Spoon, and Forever Escaping Boredom.

Marsupial Alliance is Scott Bazar, and for that show, anybody who wanted to join at that moment. The ultimate collective effort resulted in 26 minutes of experiments with, at moments, incoherent changes but, at other moments, great synergy between the sounds. The track is being made at the moment, so it should be your style to really enjoy it. Vantage Planets at this moment were Joel Nobody and Scott Bazar, and they abused a bass and a (prepared) guitar and probably some more instruments or effects, resulting in sounds which I can only describe as absolute weirdness. But honestly, if I had been there that evening, I’d been there because of the final two acts, and these first acts would have been a warm-up for me.

The third act is/was FAIL with 16 minutes of harsh noise in all its beautiful aspects. Highs, lows, subs, pain, layered, throbbing, extremes, bleeping, blooping, noise, more pain, more throbbing, feedback, delays … Need I say more? And then the Vasectomy Party closed the evening. Hal does what Hal does best. Make noise, somewhere between cut-up and harsh, lots of dynamic behavior though a little less extreme in sound. But we were treated as royalty on frequencies by the FAIL track, so it’s not fair of me to say probably. The Vasectomy party, however, has one of the best endings I’ve heard.

So, this is a bit weird to review, as the CD is a document for a live event I didn’t attend. Style-wise, not all projects fit my taste, though I can appreciate all the variations I’ve heard here. My favourite track is FAIL, but we’ll include some Vasectomy Party in the podcast because we can. And it’s fun. And the noise scene needs more fun. It’s all too serious. At moments.
