I didn’t know Laurent Pernice until I met Laurent Perrier about 10/15 years ago, and it turned out both Laurents were members of the group Nox, which I had known for 20 years longer than that. It was all a bit of ‘it’s a small world after all’ feeling and the 2011 collar between the Laurents was a surprise at the moment itself, but it felt all natural later. The track “PSL Drones” is an excellent work of partially field recordings and partially acoustic instruments and I suspect a few synthesised sounds – though I am not sure about that last part. The field recordings are very clearly not recorded in winter, and the bird sounds are more ‘summery’ in nature and without kidding, the track gains in warmth because of it. The cheerful birds, looking for a partner to celebrate spring in combination with the processed instruments – whatever they may be – and the heavy reverb/resonance make this track a great way to scare away those cold, wet wintery days. And the fact a full album is planned for spring …
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