3″ CDr,

In their sixth year of existence, the Italian project eumourner consisting of Francesco La Cava,

Gherardo Zauber Pierantoni and Michele Venturi found their way onto the Inner Demons label. What a beautiful fit. With a sonic palette of percussion, voices, guitars, theremin, bass, field recording, cut-ups, samples, and effects, they create massive drones where so much is happening.

Constant movement in all layers and yet listening to it, well, it’s very abstract. It’s like the depth inside one of the colours of a Rothko painting. The more you look, the more movement you see. Or maybe it’s more Newman, where you can stare into the abyss of the monochromatic colour and where your mind is playing tricks on you, generating hallucinatory images that aren’t there. Or maybe it’s like the white noise on television that you’re staring at after a night out, and instead of an indeed randomly spread, you are starting to see figures.

A lot is happening here, yet nothing is happening, but it is done so actively and in a beautiful way. Close to orchestral at moments, close to HNW at other moments, yet not with the usual sounds HNW generates. No, in organic, non-distorted sounds, you can also create massive pressure in a composition. I definitely will be checking out some of their other stuff, which can be found amongst others on Death in Venice Productions – which we know specialises in Death ambient & Death electronics Label. A great revelation in the first month of 2025.
