CDr, https://innerdemonsrecords.bandcamp.com/

Sometimes, the 3″ format doesn’t work. If Polarlich’s “Volume 2″ had been restricted to the 3” format, it would result in a quadruple release, and that is pushing it. In the past, Inner Demons would have done it either way, as proven by the 12-part release by Conure a few years ago. But that was a few years ago. Times they are a-changin’, someone once said. So, this artist and label opted for a ‘normal’ format. Holding almost a whole hour of carefully constructed noise compositions.

The four tracks are simply numbered; therefore, it is hard to think of the concept behind them. Or how they were created. I do not know if this is a pedalboard, computer, modular or combination. I have a careful suspicion it is a combination of pedals and computers, but hey, I’m only human. I CAN be wrong, too. The style isn’t the same on all tracks. “1” is carefully constructed, while “4” is closer to a HNW / feedback exorcism. And “3” is an experiment with classical layers, completely destroying it with VCA’s, distortion and LFO’s.

Now, about the origin of Polarlicht. Discogs mentions four Polarlichts, and I can find which one this is, though there is no information. On the Inner Demons Bandcamp, where you can download this beauty, there is a link pointing to Polorlicht’s personal Bandcamp; it simply says PolarlichtNW, which is probably Nordrhein Westfalen. So, I still have no clue, no name, nothing.

Oh, Wait … It Seems he or she also released some stuff on LOUDsilence, which is itself developing into an elegant label / Bandcamp presence. Let me see if I can find information there … [ insert journey of search ] … Damn, nothing. I just added a few releases to my waitlist, but that’s it. LOUDsilence did release “Volume 1”, by the way, and there will be more. The promo text on the IDR site mentions ‘Volume 2 out of (hopefully) 92 volumes’, so we have 90 more to welcome in the years to come.

If only I knew who to congratulate on this release …
