A double 3″ CDr by Marcello Saponaro of whom it’s hard to find anything on the almighty interwebz. Why do I keep on trying to find information? If people don’t want to be found, it’s probably part of a conceptual approach. Maybe the ‘ghost’ part of the name explains it. On the other hand, Marcello has absolutely nothing to be ashamed of to hide in the darkness. This release is a mighty fine work which holds the middle between dark ambient, drone, noise and cinematic isolationism.
The concept behind this release is a personal vision of ‘The Conspiracy Against the Human Race’, which is a philosophical essay written by Thomas Ligotti in 2010. From the liner notes: ‘Life is represented as an infinite and unfair suffering that corrodes conscious beings, forced to go through the disturbing horror that dominates reality from birth until death.’ So, as you can imagine, this isn’t a happy release; it is produced very dynamically and probably touches the borders of what the medium allows. The promo explains it better with the phrase that Marcello is ‘bringing back the same sensations that invalidate all human beings who have decided to pierce the veil and live outside an illusory frame.’
The four tracks, totalling 38 minutes, cover various styles as written before. The additional spoken word part in “Ancoraggio – verità metafisiche” is well done and layered over multiple effects. But my favourite track is the closing part, “Sublimazione – la paralizzante paura” (The paralysing fear), because of its seemingly endless buildup and yet gorgeous feeling of nihilism. At moments, reminding me of Troum; at other moments, it could have been a Cold Meat release of the past.
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